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Enigmator Product Series 

Enigmator Cert Management 


Enigmator Cert Management accommodates simple and easy management of e-Cert. Time and trouble of certificate renewal procedures are reduced. It gathers certificate information, log history and expiry date of a batch of e-cert. Administrator can use E.C.M. to import and refresh information of new e-cert. It also connected with the existing Enigmator Configuration Database to enhance efficiency.

Features of ECM

Convert Cert Information

User can collect certificate information such as valid period, certificate authority, issuer and certificate name from the domino directory.

Request Cert Storage 

Users no longer need to request cert storage at user mailbox, they can represent user to perform this action in E.C.M. and it simplifies the process of certificate storage.

Detail Process Logging

All process are saved in ECM Log history database e.g. “All Cert Info”; “Active Cert Info” & “Expired Cert Info” list ; “Expiry Preview” , etc. 

Token Configuration

This function allow administrators to change default device easily when representing different users to store certificates.

Inactive Users


CM Users with no active certificate will be listed thus, user can filter out those inactive user list and the list will only show those users who fit the criteria.

More About ECM

E-cert is an essential tool for security of communication and other electronic transactions. Integrity and confidentiality of information exchange through internet are guaranteed. Management of e-cert is very important for organizations which rely heavily on confidential mail communication or place importance on e-commerce security.

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