

Extracurricular Activities Platform (ECAP) - Course Management owned and developed by Trusted Systems
This platform helps staffs in administer the courses and registrations at any time over the web, and it also helps students and their parents register accounts, enroll classes, and get related messages from ECAP. It is responsive web designed so user can use it on pc, laptop, panel, or mobile phone.
In this system , there are 4 roles to login with: staff, student, parent, and teacher. Staff maintains all the data in the system and manage the registrations of courses from the students; For students, they can register courses and manage them; Besides, parents can also manage the courses and to view all course events; Lastly, teachers can manage their own courses and reserves resources for students to register.


Maintain all the data
Manage registration of all courses
Manage his/her own course
Reserve for resources

Do Actions on behalf of his/her children (Register, Attendant, Class Performance)

Enroll courses & Manage them


Quick View of Dashboard
Check all information, E.g. popular courses, attendance
Provide an overall view to enhance management & operation

Intuitive Calendar
Obtain an overview schedule
→Help to arrange and manage events and courses to save time and effort

Greatly reduce workload and human error on management and operation
System owners can manage firm's accounts, courses, resources, system parameters, etc.

Secure Registry
Log-In Process
A safe and secure system with advanced technology
Implement different operation and management under the help of ECAP
Simple & Intuitive
Simple, clear and easy understanding interface
→User-friendly for all users